The Digi-Mechanics-School is a future-orientated, further-training seminar. For trainees, trained mechanics, shop owners or masters and all young women. In a mostly digital world, further development doesn’t stop in car repair. The intention of the foundation is to make it possible for trainees, trained mechanics, shop owner or master and young mechanics to subscribe to a seminar, first at the basic level and then to an advanced training in the IT sector for car-repair, which they can use as multipliers.

Our aim is to set up a seminar school in every regional capital in Ghana. With support of Ghatronic Foundation, participants who are trained in Accra can set up a seminar school.


The seminars will be tailored to suit the needs of the educational background of the participants so that at the end of the project, all participants should be able to analyse the defects in cars equipped with digital systems and use the acquired knowledge to repair any identified defects.

